Fruits and Vegetables
These ingredients found in Nutrience dog and cat foods guard against illnesses, have anti-inflammatory properties as well as cancer-fighting properties, contribute to cardiovascular health and promote good vision.
Substances that prevent and repair cellular damage. Reduce the risk of cancer, boost the immune system, decrease the effects of aging like brain, organ and joint degeneration in older pets, and support a strong and healthy heart. Help preserve foods, maintain their nutrients, prevent them from spoiling, and keep them tasting good to pets.
Good for healthy skin and liver. They have antioxidant properties and are a low-glycemic carbohydrate source that adds fibre and flavour to the diet. Helps with digestion and maintaining heart and muscle strength.
Beet Pulp
Source of fibre that supports healthy digestion and functions as a prebiotic.
A high-antioxidant fruit, helps protect against cancers, contribute to healthy brain function and helps to fight off urinary tract infections.
High in calcium, contains a multitude of vitamins, many having antioxidant properties that reduces the risk of cataracts, heart disease and certain cancers. Boosts the immune system, guards against illness, promotes cardiovascular health and good vision. Contains anti-inflammatory properties.
Butternut Squash
Low-fat, high fibre ingredient, rich in vitamins which boost the immune system, guards against illness, promotes good vision and cardiovascular health. Contains anti-inflammatory properties and cancer-fighting properties.
Low-glycemic carbohydrate, high in antioxidants, minerals, vitamins A, C and E, and beta carotene which boost the immune system, guards against illness, promote good vision and cardiovascular health.
Source of vitamin C required for wound healing and for capillary and mucosal integrity. Works to combine amino acids into structural protein collagen and has powerful antioxidant effects. Help protect against bladder and urinary tract infections by preventing bacteria from sticking to their surfaces.
Dried Pineapple
Contains bromelain, a digestive enzyme that breaks down the mucous that binds hair together in hairballs, enabling cats to pass the hairballs more readily. Bromelain also assists the body in digesting and metabolizing foods, and has mild anti-inflammatory properties.
Green Peas and Pea Fibre
Green peas are a natural source of vitamins and minerals, low-glycemic carbohydrate, and a healthy source of energy. Pea fibre is a healthy alternative fibre source, with substantial water-holding capacity for a formed, easily-passable stool, and relatively low gas production.
Flavonoids & Polyphenols
Found in green tea & berries, they have antioxidant properties and can reduce the risk of some cancers.
Contains carbohydrates for energy, vitamin A for good vision, beta carotene for reduced cancer risk and enhanced immunity, and high levels of fibre for improved colon health and digestion.
Contain phytonutrients with antioxidant and potential anti-cancer effects. Excellent source of fibre for a healthy digestive tract, low-glycemic carbohydrate; helps regulating blood glucose levels and maintaining heart and muscle strength.
Known as a ‘superfruit’, has high antioxidant power and increases blood flow to the heart. Has protective anti-aging and metabolism boosting effects such as fighting heart disease, memory loss, cancer, urinary tract infections and obesity.
Nutrient-dense ingredient high in vitamins, minerals, protein, fibre and Omega-3 fatty acids. Boosts the immune system, guards against illness, promotes cardiovascular health and good vision. Contains anti-inflammatory properties and cancer-fighting properties.